
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

The CNPC (Chongqing) CNG compressed natural gas desulfurization project

2018-02-01      696

The CNPC (Chongqing) CNG compressed natural gas dry desulfurization project, the program of CNG air-entrapping has the characteristics of multiple sites, wide distribution, large throughput and the hydrogen sulfide content conforms to the CNG national standard after desulfurization. Replacement service to desulfurizer increases the difficulty, which has a high requirements to the personnel and equipment. Since the company undertook the project, we have realized safe operation without any accident, assuring the project's safety and order

Desulphurization of the two towers 


The series-parallel connection of three towers


The view of the desulfurizing tower group


Small desulfurizing tower device


Discharging operation


Nitrogen replacement is operating



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