
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

Natural Gas Well Dry Desulfurization Project in Sulige Gas Field

2018-02-01      792

In Changqing Sulige gas field, many sets of desulfurization equipment for natural gas sulfur well have been contracted by our company from the design certification of the project to the installation and commissioning of the desulfurization equipment, and to the loading service of the desulfurizer in the later stage. The hydrogen sulfide content in natural gas wells in this gas field varies from 500 to 3000 ppm, and the sulphur content spans a large extent, because the desulfurization equipment is a skid-mounted equipment, the loading capacity is small. The owner required that the desulfurizer should have a long service life, high desulfurization efficiency, low replacement frequency, and high desulfurization accuracy. Based on this situation, our company has formulated and adopted advanced iron oxyhydroxide desulfurizers. The desulfurizer has the such characteristics of high sulfur capacity, good strength, high desulfurization precision, long service life, and etc. This reduces the desulfurization costs of the oil field and reduces the emission of 2/3 of the solid waste desulfurizer. The project was well received by the oil field company.

Sulfur Gas Well in Sulige Program











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