
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

COG desulfuration program service of China Resources (Holdings) Co.,Ltd

2018-02-01      744

COG  dry desulfuration program of China Resources (Holdings) Co.,Ltd. Gas Investment Company. After wet refinery in Pangang Coking Plant and then delivered to dry desulfurization system, the content of hydrogen sulfide is extremely unstable within 500-1000ppm. It contains more tar, benzene, naphthalene and other deleterious substances in gas, the air flow reaches 15-20W m3/h, the single tower capacity of desulfurization tower is 80m3, adopt the technique of three-tower series-multiple connection and can fill in iron oxide desulfurizer of 240 tons. Remove benzene and naphthalene using double-tower activated carbon in backward stage and meet the requirement of urban domestic gas after processing.

The desulfurizer in the tower hardens heavily as it takes too long in this program. However, it is worth mentioning that it adopts measures such as limited operating space in the process of the program, which is high-risk operation and technically demanding for every staff and the whole team. It takes 30 days for joint working group to finish the refueling work of the program successfully.

desulfurization tower


All related working personnel needs to receive safety education before entering into the field


Conduct limited space operation if desulfurizer hardens in the tower during working



Conduct lifting operation using large crane




Director He Qiang is responsible for inspection and acceptance after the  desulfurizing tower finishing loading


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