
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

Sinopec Chongqing Tailai 6 Well High-sulfur Gas Well Dry Desulfurization Project

2018-02-01      853

Dry Desulfurization Project of High Sulfur Gas Well in Chongqing Tailai 6 Well, Sinopec The project is the high sulfur gas well, the sulphur content reaches to 15g/m3, the daily output natural gas is 100,000m3, and the wellhead pressure is 6MP. After the two closures, the pressure of the desulfurization tower inlet is 3.5MP. Owing to the high content and pressure of the hydrogen sulfide in this well, the dry iron oxide desulfurization process is finally adopted according to the expert's demonstration. Adopt the 8 towers' series-parallel connection, the oxygen sulphide content in outlet after desulfurizer is below 15mg, all the parameters completely meet the design requirements after the first operation of the equipment. We undertake the desulfurizer filling and replacing technical service of the project.


The drawing is the gate of the Project Department


The main project of desulfurization under construction



The busy and orderly filling operation


The two managers of the company work to keep the last pass for guaranteeing the final victory of the project


The group photo of He Qiang, the Project Manager and the desulfurization tower at leisure

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