
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

Coking Plant Desulfurization Project in Wusitai Wuhai

2018-03-21      1027

Wusitai Coking Plant of Taixi Coal Group in Inner Mongolia, dry desulfurization power generation project of coke oven gas, the daily output of coke oven gas is 100,000m3, the hydrogen sulfide content in the gas is 500-800ppm/m3, and the hydrogen sulfide after desulphurization is less than 20ppm/m3, the desulfurization project adopts a three-tower series-parallel process with a single tower loading capacity of 20 tons and a total of 60 tons of desulfurizer. The use cycle is more than one year, the owner used several companies' dry desulphurization products before, but the results were poor. After using the ZDE-01 iron oxide desulfurizer produced by our company, the detected sulfur capacity reached 35% or more, which meets the owner's requirements for use.

Atlas of dry desulfurization system architecture

柳河县| 龙岩市| 石首市| 宝山区| 云南省| 大埔区| 汶川县| 桃园市| 普安县| 大邑县| 永修县| 大田县| 久治县| 上思县| 司法| 延安市| 禹城市| 汉源县| 青冈县| 宝丰县| 拜城县| 托里县| 高尔夫| 康保县| 武平县| 甘南县| 北碚区| 新乡县| 鲜城| 油尖旺区| 闽清县| 新沂市| 延边| 岚皋县| 北碚区| 肇源县| 鄂温| 吴川市| 双城市| 锦屏县| 天水市|