
Engineering Achievements

Engineering Achievements

Synthetic Ammonia Dry Desulfurization Project of Sichuan Jiaxin Chemical

2018-03-21      615

Ammonia dry desulfurization equipment of Sichuan Jiaxin Chemical, uses iron oxide desulfurizer to cascade iron manganese medium temperature desulfurizer, removed the organic sulfur from the gas when converted into hydrogen sulfide, and then cascade the zinc oxide medium temperature fine desulfurizer to perform desorption. After the desulfurization, the total sulfur content of the gas is less than 0.05ppm and the life cycle can reach more than 10 years, the desulfurization agent of our company has high desulfurization precision, large sulfur capacity, long service life, etc., which greatly reduces the desulfurization cost. The performance of the desulfurizer is well-reputed among the owners.


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