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natural gas

2018-02-01      1421

Sulfur in natural gas exists in the form of H2S, COS, CH3SH, and CH3SSCH3, with H2S and a small amount of organic sulfur being predominant. The existence of sulfur in natural gas causes certain corrosion and pipeline blockage in the production, sale and transportation process, which increases maintenance costs and hidden hazards. At the same time, natural gas is the main raw material for organic synthesis. In the course of the synthesis reaction, the presence of sulfur poisons the catalyst. The methane in natural gas, as the anode material of the fuel cell, also has a stringent requirement on sulfur content. Sulfur generates SO2 after combustion. Exhaling it into the atmosphere can pollute the atmosphere and cause acid rain to contaminate soil and rivers. Therefore, natural gas desulfurization is very necessary from the aspects of equipment maintenance, safe production, environmental protection, and economic costs. Dry desulfurization is to pass feed gas through a solid bed with solid desulfurizer at a certain airspeed, and after gas-solid contact exchange, H2S in the gas phase is adsorbed on the desulfurizer to achieve the purpose of purification.


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